Course overview
Build your career in Autonomous software engineering
The autonomous vehicle algorithm engineering course is available to learn online. The course duration is 9 months and is limited to 5 participants intake.
Applications are now accepted for freshers or experienced up to 2 years, should be from the background of studies (BE/BTech/MTech) in Mechanical/Automotive/Electronics & Electrical are accepted. (Program is also applicable for students who are planning to take up master's abroad in Automotive/Autonomous engineering)
Participants can expect to get placed at OEM / Tier 1 / Tier 2 and at Engineering service companies. *** Average salary of placed students varied from 3 lakh to 6 lakh per annum.
Key highlights of the course
Build projects to gain similar industry experience
The course is taught practically with the help of tools & software’s used in industry
The course consists of 12+ minor projects & 3 majors projects
The course will cover the complete life cycle of from software development, hardware configuration to calibration, testing & validation
The course has the extensive depth of curriculum to meet any job profile for 0 to 2 years of experience bandwidth
Course graduates will be supported to start a career in core sector (100% placement)
Course curriculum
- Programming tool, workbenches & OS foundation
- Python
- Robotic Operating System (ROS)
- Ubuntu
- Expertise ROS
- ROS framework
- ROS topics and Nodes
- Robot links and joints
- Forward and Inverse Kinematics
- Publisher and Subscriber programming
- Foundation to Rviz & Gazebo
- Forward and Inverse Kinematics programming of UR5
- Forward and Inverse Kinematics programming of Delta robot
- Localisation
- Types of sensors
- Odometry sensor and its parameters
- Joint Distribution & Conditional Probability
- Baye's filter 1D localisation
- 2D Baye's filter localisation
- Particle filter localisation
- Mapping
- Laser sensor and its parameters
- Occupancy grid mapping
- Bresenham's line algorithm
- Control system engineering foundation
- Practical design of PID controllers
- Foundation to MPC
- PID controller for tank water level control
- PID controller for furnace temperature
- RLC circuit tuning with PID controls
- Pitch angle control system for drone
- Motion Planning
- Path Planning
- Grid based representation of environment
- Dijkstra’s algorithm
- A-star algorithm
- RRT and RRT* algorithm
- PID based motion control
- Programming Dijkstra’s algorithm for a maze
- Programming A-star algorithm for a maze
- Programming RRT and RRT* algorithm in a given environment
- Programming and tuning PID controller for mobile robot
- Foundation to Machine learning
- Linear Regression and Curve Fitting
- Logistic Regression
- Decision trees
- Random Forest
- K-Nearest algorithm
- K Means
- Reinforcement Learning
- Q Learning
- Predictive Maintenance
- Data Wrangling
- Confusion Matrix, F1-Score, ROC & ROS-AUC curve
- Programming Linear Regression for salary prediction
- Programming Logistic regression for job prediction
- Movie decision making based on decision tree
- Number recognition based on random forest
- Flower species classification based on K-Nearest Neighbour
- Flower cluster classification based on K means
- Programming reinforcement learning for material transportation
- Machine Learning based Predictive Maintenance of Aircraft Engine
- Computer vision
- Foundation to Open CV
- Lane Detection
- Canny Edge Detection
- Hough Transformation on an image
- Image Distortion
- Programming Lane detection algorithm
- Programming Canny edge detection algorithm
- Neural networks
- Foundation to TensorFlow & Keras
- Back and forward propagation
- Convolutional neural networks
- Convolution of an image
- Pooling
- rectified linear activation function
- Programming a neural network algorithm
- Programming CNN algorithm
- Building the algorithm for Self-Driving car
- Convolution of an image
- Pooling
- Rectified linear activation function
- Behavior planning
- Programming a mobile robot with three cameras
- Programming image and vehicle data collection algorithm
- Programming CNN for self-driving car steering decision
- Programming a motion control algorithm for self-driving car
- Programming behavior planning for self-driving car
- Embedded programming & hardware for autonomous vehicle
- Embedded C
- Fundamentals of circuit components
- Fundamentals of circuit design
- Micro controllers hands-on (STM/TI/NXP)
- Micro processor (Raspberry pi/Nvidia)
- Sensor data acquisition
- Camera
- Sensor data processing
- Build an autonomous vehicle
- Build a AV with RGBD camera, Lidar with Nvidia JETSON computation board
- Configure power management, motors & controls
- Configure data communication between AV & computer
- Perform sensor data acquisition & filtering
- Implement localisation, mapping & motion control
- Implement computer vision
- Implement Neural networks to teach the AV
- Teach & test the AV for different track profiles
- Decision making with sensor data
- Throttle, brake & steering control of AV with ML & AI
- Teach AV at complex environments
- Industry practices
- Functional safety (ISO 26262)
- Communication protocols
Master course projects
Define your experience through
Learn ROS, Forward and Inverse Kinematics with UR5 and delta robot programming
Baye's filter 1D localization, 2D Baye's filter localization & Particle filter localization
Occupancy grid mapping
Design & tune PID for projects, 1) Controller for tank water level control, 2) controller for furnace temperature, 3) RLC circuit tuning and 4)Pitch angle control system for drone
Maze solving with Dijkstra’s & A-star algorithms, Programming RRT and RRT* algorithms, Programming and tuning PID controller for mobile robot
Lane Detection & Canny Edge Detection
Programming a neural network algorithm & CNN algorithm
Programming CNN for self-driving car steering decision & Programming behavior planning for self-driving car
Master course Includes
Course fee & payment option
Autonomous Vehicle Algorithm Engineer
10 x ₹17,700.00
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