Decibels Lab's Courses are Trusted by Engineers at

4000+ working professionals have upskilled with Decibels Lab's courses

EV Lab Setups by Decibels Lab

Tailored to meet the dynamic needs of the automotive industry's shift towards electrification, our EV Lab setups provide a hands-on, practical learning environment for engineers and students alike. Covering crucial areas such as Battery Technology, Thermal Management Systems, Motor Controllers, Motors, and Battery Management Systems, our setups empower individuals to acquire essential skill sets. With a proven track record, including partnerships with institutions like RVCE and organizations such as Tata Motors and Tata Consultancy Services, Decibels Lab is at the forefront of preparing the workforce for the future of EV

Free Online Courses, Webinars & Bootcamps

Explore to find your passion

Our team has curated an array of weekly Webinars, Bootcamps & free Courses for you to learn about Electric Vehicle Powertrain Design, Li-ion Cell technology, Battery Management Algorithms, Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS), Autonomous Vehicles, Embedded Software & CAE.

Recent Placements

“Placed in GMS, Pune”

“Placed in Rideriver”

“Placed in AVL”

“Place in Sukhena Technologies”

“Placed in Ford ”

“Placed in Sukhena Technologies””